Hello there.
How the hell are you? And – who the hell are you?
This site will ultimately transform into a stunning egomaniacal construct that should help stalkers track me down wherever I can be found on the interwebs.
The Highlights:
I frequently review whatever hits my fancy on my blog: PopCultJunk.com. To keep updated about posts there, I recommend following my corresponding Twitter (@PopCultJunk).
I have a book out, called Gay & Happy. A print version is available in Dutch (ISBN: 9789081618410) and in English (B&W edition ISBN: 9789081618403 / Color edition ISBN: 9789081618434). The English translation was updated and adapted for an international audience. This version is available as an eBook (ISBN: 9789081618427 /ASIN: B00CXEFWKO) through the iBookstore, Smashwords, the Kobo store, Barnes & Noble and through Amazon (US, UK). Orders for it can also be placed through the Gay and Happy site, which has detailed information on the book, points of sale and sample chapters. There is a Twitter to keep you updated (@GayenHappy). The book is listed on GoodReads. And there is a Facebook page you will hopefully ‘like’.
On a more personal level, I can also be found at Facebook, LinkedIn and I have a fairly inactive third Twitter: @StevenvanL.
Feel free to buzz me through any of these channels, e-mail me at info@ockerpublishing.com or comment here. Further bulletins as events warrant.