Television Review: Ash vs. Evil Dead – Season One (2015)

ash-vs-evil-dead-posterWeird camera angles, crass humour, slapstick and self-aware, campy, over-the-top gore. Welcome to the Evil Dead universe. If you object to any of the previous, you may want to skip Ash vs. Evil Dead. It is an odd concept, a tv-sequel to three horror movies, the last of which (Army of Darkness) came out in 1993.… Read the rest

Game Review: Halo 4 (XBox 360, 2012)

Halo_4_CoverThe Halo series is revered by many, specifically by fans of the original XBox and its successors. It is a series tied to these consoles, not available elsewhere, as it was developed by Microsoft (the company behind the XBox). Halo is a scifi-shooter featuring a gruff-voiced space marine whose face we never get to see as it is always hidden behind a helmet.… Read the rest

Movie Review: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 (2015)

mockingjay 2 posterMockingjay – Part 2 didn’t seem likely to be the best part of Katniss Everdeen’s story. First off, it was based on the final book in the Hunger Games trilogy, considered the weakest by a lot of readers. And that book was split into two movies, which could easily be interpreted as a cynical cash-grab rather than something artistically motivated.… Read the rest

Game Review: Lifeline (iOs, 2015)

IMG_0881When you boot up the game Lifeline, you will find yourself with a stranded astronaut called Taylor in your phone. He – or she, the game never specifies – has crash-landed on a planet and is now trying to survive and to find out what made his/her ship crash.… Read the rest
